Your career path

Internal mobility: a key pillar of our HR strategy

Internal mobility is at the heart of your career path and represents a real opportunity for your professional and personal development.
Synonymous with success for the company, internal mobility is a lever for our performance.

The history of the group was born with the contribution of each and every one of you. Our desire is to develop potential.

You are the leading players in your career, so reach out and seize the opportunities that Energy Pool has to offer.

I joined Energy pool at the end of 2015 as an operator in our operations centre, which meant I had to work in cycles (night, day, bank holidays, weekends). This job was very important because I had to monitor the French electricity network and our customers' electricity consumption in real time, so we could respond quickly if we were ever called by RTE.
I held this position for 4 years, which allowed me to become an experienced user of our DERMS tools that our IT teams develop.
In 2019, I applied internally to join the IT Support & Quality team as a team advisor for users of our solutions in our "Western Europe" department.
What I was able to learn when I first joined Energy Pool also serves me in my current position, because I act as the interface between our operational teams and the developers. I am in a position to understand the needs and challenges which will lead to the development of our tools.

Maxime Laurent
Maxime Laurent
DERMS Quality & Support Project Manager